

Missions in Mongolia

Support Isaac as he travels to Mongolia. His team's mission is To take encouragement to a small community village in the south gobi that does not currently have a church.

This will be done through collaborative culturally relevant outreach in connection with a group of young Mongolian Believers.

Our hope is that God would use our cross cultural effort to spark a church in this community that would thrive and grow through the people group we are being called to connect with.

Some in this community have not yet heard of God’s power to bring us to right standing with Him. We are excited to share the good news with them!

TRIP DATES: June 21 - July 5th

TRIP COST: $4000

LEFT TO RAISE $1138 (last updated May 17, 1pm )

72% funded

Checks can be written and mailed to:

Cup of Cold Water Ministries

P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541

*Earmark Isaac Mongolia trip

CCWM is a registered 501c3 Not for Profit Organization

donations are not refundable

“I’m choosing to go because there is a need. And God has invited us to help meet that need in a practical way. This is missions: to take the love of Christ anywhere He calls us to. And this is what I want to pursue. Someday I’m going to be a missionary, and I want to start living in that calling right now. “

— Isaac