Ray & Shanna Choate
The fight broke out just as we were singing “I speak the name of Jesus over you…” Chaos ensued…
Arms and legs flailed around as two women rolled around the parking lot, tangled together. My friend, Mirjam, jumped up and began to pull them apart. I jumped up to help as others who were sitting around the table went to join in the fight.
“STOP right now or we will call the police!!!”, Mirjam yelled, in her thick Swiss accent.Another girl got hit in the face as she kicked one of the women on the ground...
…Mirjam and I, followed by our husbands, successfully separated those involved, and the woman who started the fight walked off yelling obscenities as they left. Our friend Mark, who helps each week, walked through the crowd speaking “be at peace” over everyone under the tents. Allen suggested that we go back to our final song “I Speak Jesus.” The atmosphere was different this time around. People stood, song sheets in hand. They sang loudly “I know there is peace within your presence… I speak JESUS." The Holy Spirit moved through those tents like a rushing wind. It was powerful.
In over 3 years of ministry, this is the first fight we’d ever had break out during church. The devil had tried to disrupt our service. It was the LARGEST crowd we’d ever had. People walking by stopped to ask what we were doing and gave donations. Those under the tents were engaged and participating. And then, right before the fight, a woman we know well and have helped often, pulled in and began topping off cups with booze out of her car. She left angrily when I confronted her. The enemy tried to steal our day and make it his, but he didn’t win. The fight was silly. One woman had walked over to another and ripped her sunglasses off her face, knowing it would start a fight. The victim was still angry after church, especially since she didn’t get her sunglasses back. I approached as soon as we were done singing, asking if we could go into Family Dollar so I could buy her a new pair. She agreed, and thanked me. As we left the store I told her, “I know that what was done to you was wrong and that you want revenge. But my prayer for you is that you can let it go. Your sunglasses have been replaced. I am attempting to make the wrong right. Jesus did the same for me when he died on the cross for my sins. We have all done wrong, but through Jesus, we can have our wrongs made right.”
After we cleaned up lunch and tore down our tents, our team gathered in the shade of the food trailer to debrief and pray. B (who lived in our camper for a few weeks 2 summers ago) lingered and joined our circle. We discussed what had happened, and B spoke up. He said “you know, when all of that happened, I just stayed in my seat. I knew getting up would make others join in too. And I knew they would want to see who my allegiance was with and it would cause more trouble. Normally, I would fight, and I think it’s like a sign about how far I have come. I keep thinking I should have a sober week, and that’s why I am hanging out over here instead of joining the group.” He pointed to the group that had gathered under the trees after lunch. Two weeks prior B had also shared during church that he “used to come just for the meal. I don’t need that any more, now I’m here for a different reason…for the right reason." We all thanked him for not joining in the fight, and remarked on the work God is doing in his life. I told him that it was a sign of good fruit, fruit that comes from a desire to know and serve God. We took turns praying after that, and B joined in, the first time I have ever heard him publicly pray.
Ray and I drove home mostly silent, in awe of the work God is doing. Walking beside B, letting him live in our camper, all felt wasted when he decided to go back out the streets. We often wondered if he was even alive after not seeing him for months and months. As we watch God draw B closer and closer to him, we are reminded of Paul’s words: “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Phil.1:6 God isn’t finished with B, or any of us, and someday, we WILL see the finished work. Praise the Lord!
Much love,
The Choates
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Cup of Cold Water Ministries
P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541
*Earmark Ray & Shanna Choate
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P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541
*Earmark Ray & Shanna Choate