Ray & Shanna Choate
“I have a warrant,” she said, her voice shaking. D was crying. “What do I do?”
(We met D and her husband a couple of years ago, when they were still active in their addiction. In October, we were reconnected, when D showed up at Street Church, pretty fresh out of jail. She knew Jesus, but she was ready for a fresh start. She has continued to help serve and be a part of the ministry during this time.)
D explained that she wanted to do the right thing, even if it screwed up her college enrollment. She was scared, but we made a plan with the team and trusted Jesus with the outcome. That Monday, we headed to the county jail so she could turn herself in. Court dates are always given for the following day, and she knew she could get through one night. As we got nearer, D called the detention center…
“Whether you come in today or tomorrow, you won’t have court until Wednesday”, the officer explained. “There’s no court on Tuesday.” We turned around and headed back towards Riverton, thanking the Lord for another day. D called me the next morning and told me that she called the jail again and explained the situation, and they directed her to someone else. The woman on the other end of the phone told her to just turn herself in at the courthouse the next day, and they would hold her right there until she saw the judge that afternoon. WHAT A PRAISE!
Brooks, two friends and I arrived at the courthouse early, not really knowing what to expect. The process was long. They went over the cases for the men first, so we ended up being there for 3 hours. Once he knew why we were there, the judge assured us that he would talk to D before any of the other women. It didn’t sound good at first. D had missed probation. She had been released from jail in a hurry in October, because her son had been killed in a hit and run. She wasn’t given any paperwork and didn’t remember she was to check in as soon as she was released. Finally, the judge spoke. He looked at us, and back to D. “Becuase you have a team of people here that obviously believe in you, and because you walked in those doors on your own this morning, I am going to let you walk back out of them this afternoon.” We smiled and cried as the judge gave D a new court date so she could have an opportunity to do what was originally required of her.
We exited the court together, stopping the office to pray together, thanking God for all he had done. Please continue to pray for D, and for us, as we walk this path together. We know that there will be ups and downs, but we also know that “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at the break of day…Be still and know that He is God. He will be exalted among the nations, He will be exalted in the earth. The Lord Almighty is with us.” From Psalm 46
Much Love,
The Choates
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How To Pray for Ray & Shanna
Please pray for those in our area that remain on the streets.
Pray that God will continue to open doors, through local ministries, to serve those struggling with addictions.
Pray for the Mobile Soup Kitchen as we launch the ministry forward!
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