Mauricio & Andrea Meneses
Give To Support Mauricio and Andrea on Mission
Your donation will help support Maruico and Andrea in their commitment to dedicate concentrated effort on organizing and facilitating medical and evangelical missions in Bolivia. Thank you!
Checks can be written and mailed to:
Cup of Cold Water Ministries
P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541
*Earmark Mauricio Meneses
When giving through PayPal please add *Mauricio & Andrea Meneses or Bolivia Medical Mission when you see “What is this for.”
When Mauricio was a young man he never thought about missions until he got married to Andrea (his wife for more than 20 years). He was so much not mission minded that he even said to her, "I will never move from La Paz" (his townhome).
But the Lord´s ways are higher than ours. In 2005 Mauricio and Andrea moved to Caranavi, to serve there as local missionaries. Since then, they have been serving in different areas and learning to hear and follow the voice of the Lord. Their passion is to share the gospel and they have been preaching and teaching about Jesus to orphans, youth ministry, adults, and even women in prostitution.
The Meneses moved back to La Paz because Mauricio´s mom was fighting against terminal cancer, but then she passed away. After this painful time, they began to ask to Lord for guidance. He clearly opened two doors. One is serving in Beni, in the Mamore River area, between the people who live in very poor conditions. He will be co-leading medical and evangelistic teams four times a year, working together with missionary Felipe Kittelson.
During the time that they have been in La Paz, Mauricio and Andrea are running a retreat center called La Roca, a place where people can find a quiet place to listen to the Lord. They are invited to preach in different groups, especially among young people.
Mauricio and Andrea serve the Lord together in full time missions with CCWM.
How To Pray for Mauricio & Andrea Meneses
Please pray for full financial support as they launch into full time missions.
Please pray for open doors for the Gospel as he Goes where God leads him.
Your tax-deductible receipt will be issued by Cup of Cold Water Ministries, a 501(c) 3 Public Charity.
Thank you for your support of the ministry of Mauricio and Andrea Meneses
Checks can be written and mailed to:
Cup of Cold Water Ministries
P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541
*Earmark Mauricio Meneses
When giving through PayPal please add *Mauricio & Andrea Meneses or Bolivia Medical Mission when you see “What is this for.”
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