David & Marivel Hiller

Caranavi, Bolivia

CONTACT david.hiller.bolivia@gmail.com


CCWM missionaries David and Marivel Hiller serve full-time as Administration Director of the Life and Truth School in Caranavi, Bolivia. David has served in missions for thirty plus years and has seen God’s work in the lives of those to whom he has ministered.

Your donation to David and Marivel Hiller helps support David's role as Chief Administrator of the Life and Truth School in Caranavi, Bolivia. 

Please help David and Marivel continue this ministry by choosing one of the giving links below.

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How To Pray For David & Marivel

If you could request prayer for Bolivia:

1. There is a lot of political unrest, especially in the Santa Cruz (Eastern) Department, where they have been on strike for close to a month, demanding a census next year. There has been violence between groups with opposing views on the census issue.

2. The Western departments are going through a severe drought this season. The rains should have begun by now, but both the highplains and the Caranavi foothills area are totally dry...The town of Caranavi has been rationing water for over a month. Water is only sent through the system from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM each day. The rest of the day, the system is dry and each home must store up its own water for the remainder of the day. In the school, the water does not come with enough pressure to fill our storage tanks, so we are receiving it in a tank on the ground floor, the pumping it up to our storage tanks on the third floor to keep the bathrooms stocked with water throughout the day.

3. The school year is coming to an early end next week, as the Ministry of Education moved up the end of the school year by a week and a half. Partly because of the political unrest. Pray for the many activities the students will still be taking part in: A large-scale music program, a P.E. show, another gradeschool P.E. show, a Preschool and Kindergarten P.E. activity, the official awards ceremony, then the high school graduation on Dec. 10. Pray that God be glorified in all these activities!

Dave for the Hillers

Your tax-deductible receipt will be issued by Cup of Cold Water Ministries, a 501(c) 3 Public Charity.

Thank you for giving to David and Marivel.


Checks can be written and mailed to:

Cup of Cold Water Ministries

P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541

*Earmark David Hiller

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