Lily Fluharty

Santa Cruz, Bolivia


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CCWM missionary Lily Fluharty was dreaming of full-time ministry for most of her life. As a child, Lily told her mom that she would one day grow up to be a mom to one hundred children who didn’t have their mommy with them. 

When Lily was eighteen, she traveled to Bolivia with plans to serve short-term and then to go on to attend university. Lily’s heart was so moved on this short-term trip that she stayed. Lily stayed for the next four years and became a mom to fourteen orphans at the House of Hope orphanage in Caranavi, Bolivia.

After serving four years, Lily began to sense the Lord leading her into uncharted waters. While visiting the city of Santa Cruz, she tells the story of her first encounters with the street boys of Santa Cruz, “Deep, empty eyes that told of years of pain stared into mine. 'I’m not a bad kid,’ he told me, 'But life is hard, and the drugs keep me here on the streets.' My heart just broke as I listened to this story.”

When Lily returned to the orphanage, she couldn’t get the boys off her mind and heart. One year later, she was working full-time on the streets of Santa Cruz to reach the street boys who had been considered worthless to their society. 

Lily founded her own non-profit called Anchor of Hope Bolivia. She spends her days on the street showing love to the street children of Santa Cruz. “Love takes time.” She says, and Lily is willing to spend the time it takes. 

Your donation to Lily Fluharty will help her to stay on the field and reach the boys and girls on the streets of Santa Cruz. 

Please help Lily continue this ministry by choosing one of the giving links below. 

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How To Pray For Lily

  1. Please pray for God to move in the lives of our kids living on the streets.

  2. Pray for our community center to be a place for kids to come and feel God's love.

  3. Pray for protection over our team as we move about the streets with wisdom and love.

  4. Pray for the kids who have left the streets that God would give them strength to persevere and find lasting hope in Him!

Your tax-deductible receipt will be issued by Cup of Cold Water Ministries, a 501(c) 3 Public Charity.

Thank you for giving to such a powerful ministry of love.


Checks can be written and mailed to:

Cup of Cold Water Ministries

P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541

*Earmark Lily Fluharty

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