The Reason He Stayed
Reflections on experiencing the suicide of someone you’ve ministered to
Written By Heather Velvet Johnson
What if
Instead of wondering
What could have been done differently to make him stay?
We have wonder
That he stayed as long as he did
And that we had the privilege of being a part of his choice to stay those final years
Too many of us have lost someone to suicide
Too often we carry regret or guilt
What if…
Maybe if I…
I wish I had…
The total truth is that the choice to leave
Is theirs and theirs alone
We talk about suicide a lot in my counseling program
When the topic comes up
I get tense
My heart rate goes up
I feel it in my gut
It’s too personal
The news came 2 months after I left Mongolia
Four months after my foreign co-worker left
Did he feel abandoned?
What if we had stayed?
I had been asking the wrong questions.
I don’t want to be presumptuous but
What if the reason he stayed as long as he did was because of
The volunteers each year at camp
House Church
English classes
His best friends at the shelter
What if we all were a part of his decision to stay just a little longer
What an honor
To the ones with him those last
The ones who baptized him
Listened to his dreams
Laughed with him
Traveled across the world for him
Lived and grew up with him
We hold in our hands
Not the burden of not being enough
But a holy privilege of being a part of his life for the time we were given