Mikayla Durland
Help send Mikayla to assist CCWM Missionaries serving
villages along the Amazon Tributaries
“I have heard stories about how excited the Bolivian people are to hear about the word of God, and I think that is awesome, and it would be amazing to be able to tell them about Jesus.
- Mikayla Durland
My Going Story
I would like to go to Bolivia because I really felt called to go when I attended The Yes Retreat.
I think it will be amazing to be able to help the Bolivian people and to get the opportunity to experience another country and culture. I am currently in nursing school so I think being able to see what medical services look like in other countries will be very helpful. Thank you for being a part of my sending team. I appreciate you.
Mikayla is 40% funded with $1615 left to raise as of Feb 25th at 5pm
“Some of the hardest to reach villages are in the country of Bolivia, settled along the tributaries of the Amazon River Basin. People wait there for medical supplies, doctors, nurses, and Gospel discipleship. They ask for teams to come, and we bring them.