
Sarah Pilkington

Help send Sarah to assist CCWM Missionaries serving

villages along the Amazon Tributaries

“It’s a surprise to me that God would put this in my heart. Growing up on the mission field, I thought I had seen enough suffering for a lifetime. However, recently, God has encouraged me to take this journey to the Amazon River Basin and be a part of alleviating suffering there. I'm looking forward to experiencing Him at work in Bolivia.”

- Sarah Pilkington

My Going Story

Oh, Bolivia. 
To be honest, I'd never really thought of it.
I grew up on the mission field in Mongolia and my heart has stayed there. I always thought I would go back. It has been a deep desire in my heart for the last 10 years. 
It completely took me by suprise when the opportunity came to go back to Mongolia and I felt God saying "no". 
I obeyed and felt a deep sense of peace about it. 

Flash forward nearly a year and I found myself stepping into the position of "Creative Team Lead" with CCWM. A door God opened that I didn't even know was an option. 
This led me into a meeting with Kristy Bebar, CCWM STM Coordinator. I was meeting up with her the day before she went to Bolivia, to get information for some social media posts I was planning while she was gone. 
The moment she starting talking about her trip, I knew I had to go. It was like a weight being pushed down on me consuming all my thoughts. 
So, I asked about the next trip. She suprised me when she told me there was another one planned for June of this year. 

Rewind to March 2024. My mom came home from a stm to Bolivia. She told us all of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. My husband Jared turned to me and said "you will never go there". I laughed it off because truly I had no desire to. So his statement had little to no effect on me. Until January 6th 2025 when I had finished that meeting with Kristy and was telling my mom that i felt God calling me there. She casually said "are you going to tell Jared?" 
That was a huge HALT moment. Oh gosh, how can I go? I've got the call from God but I also honor and respect my husband who previously said "you will never go there". You see, my husband is not a Christian so I couldn't just tell him God is calling me and expect him to accept it. 
So, I met back up with God. I just came to Him honest and undemanding with a simple statement. "God, I won't go unless Jared tells me that I can" 

When I got home Jared could tell that I had something on my mind and was pressing to get it out while I was admittedly scared to let it out. If he said no...and he is going to say no, then how do I handle that? 
So I asked...well...tested the waters. 

S "How would you feel about me going on a mission trip?"
J "To where?"
S "Well, to Bolivia"
J "Where in Bolivia?"
S "_______"
J "The Tributaries that your mom went on?"
S "______yes, those ones"
J "Okay, if you want to go"

I was SHOCKED. My first big confirmation to GO.
God used my unbelieving husband to confirm His calling to me. 
What an amazing God I follow!
So, I submitted my application, updated my expired passport, scheduled my immunizations, and the fundraising is the next step. 

And that is a short version of how I ended up on this stm. The trip has changed since I originally submitted my application. It's going to be a little harder, a little rougher, and a little bit more demanding but the God I'm following there is one that moves mountains and splits seas in two, so I am excited for what this trip will bring. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Sarah is 24 % funded with $2050 left to raise as of Feb 18th at 6pm

“Some of the hardest to reach villages are in the country of Bolivia, settled along the tributaries of the Amazon River Basin. People wait there for medical supplies, doctors, nurses, and Gospel discipleship. They ask for teams to come, and we bring them.