Missionaries Can Tell You
“There is no routine, no blueprint really, no specific “guidelines” for and in my missionary-life. ”
Being called to the mission field means daring to believe that our God is a living God! Yesterday, today, and forever the Almighty, All-knowing, All-powerful God Who is in control of every detail in His creation; interfering in the lives of His children!
God trained me on the field to really understand that; and to keep it in mind at all times – I need Him! It is a fierce battle field of spiritual warfare against invisible powers and principalities that nevertheless operate in a very real way in my personal life as a missionary, my family, and all things surrounding the Christian life-style, and the ministry that I intend to plant in the midst of the darkness where He calls me to go.
There is no routine, no blueprint really, no specific “guidelines” for and in my missionary-life.
But yes, I do count with the powerful guidance of the Word, and the faithful assistance of the Holy Spirit! I must seek indispensable, constant communion with the Lord; and know that praying at all times is very much needed!
We missionaries learn quickly! Indeed, the adversary goes around as a roaring lion, seeking to destroy whatever light comes forth; and often from very unexpected sides!
The book of Acts comes very much alive…And the teachings and explanations of our Lord, and His apostles, do not remain solely interesting recommendations: we learn to apply all the details as circumstances require a high level of spiritual insight, and relevant actions!
You might wonder why I venture out in such truly dangerous, difficult circumstances, not just physically, but also mentally (not in the least!), and spiritually.
Fact is that I constantly feel the Lord Jesus’ “cords of love” pulling me toward Himself, as the Great Pastor Who is on His way in the most desolate places, to seek and find the lost, feed the hungry, and care for the sick and wounded. And I have this irresistible desire to walk by His side all the time; to see what He sees, feel what He feels, care for what He cares for – passionately.
Consequently, I must count on His guidance, His protection, provisions, and His very real comfort in loneliness and difficulties. It’s super-natural...And many times, I’m not even aware of that any more…
Until I share stories with you, supporters and donors; the faithful who stay behind with the “luggage” of the Lord’s ‘frontline soldiers’… and who share in the reward! (Yes, as the Word teaches us, I am convinced that those faithful supporters that stay home, and do the important work of interceding, and providing for material needs on the mission field, receive a fair part of the reward for the work done!) As I tell that story of what happens on the field, it strikes me again how God still works signs and wonders today; and the testimony of the Living Christ continues to spread even in other parts of the world!
Personally, I have always had this deep longing to share my strong, experience based convictions about God’s unfailing Love and Kingship with my people at home. This was in fact an extra reason for me to answer the call to the mission field (again): it would give me this extra opportunity to share faith building testimonies with my people! People I might have never met otherwise, had I opted for a more classical life and career …
Be blessed. Inspired and in awe: God is real, and very much alive!
Missionaries can tell you!