Lie #8

And this is where I begin to get nervous. I can feel myself holding my breath. I’ve been working under Dan’s leadership long enough to know what question will be coming next…. and sadly this is where the vetting process all too often ends for us.

“So, tell me,” Dan leans in

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Lie #7

“We’re Getting Married!” These three words should bring joy. However, as a missions mobilizer, these are the three words that have killed the mission more times than I care to acknowledge. The announcement is usually followed up by, “We are planning to go to the mission field together one day.” I wish that were true. I really do. But I’ve been at this for long enough to know…

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Lie #5

This lie assumes that to stay, guarantees something it does not. Who is to say what may have become of my children, my family, had we chosen to not obey? It is audacious of me to have thought disobedience would have guaranteed a ‘good life’.

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Lie #3

The phone rang only minutes before midnight. Even though we were sitting right there waiting for this important call, my husband Troy and I allowed another ring before answering, an attempt to not appear as desperate as we felt. I went to reach for it and felt my stomach turn on second thought. What if it was the news we would rather not hear? What if the decision to send our family overseas had been a firm no?

“Hello.” Troy answered

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Lie #1

“Did the Bibles get printed yet?” I asked. “No…still no Bibles.” Came the disappointed reply of the shop worker. We had been waiting on Bibles for over a month now. A donation had been made for us to purchase up to fifty Bibles. The trouble was

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Lies, Lies and More Lies

I quickly got to work telling the story of missions and attempting to speak with various Church leaders and missions committees. What I didn’t expect were the closed doors, the blank looks, the lack of luster or passion to SEND. It seemed these days, sending had become old fashioned, out dated, misunderstood and dare I say…weird.

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